Apprenticeship Roadshows return for 2024

Girl standing with arms folder smiling THE BENEFITS of apprenticeships in helping people of all ages launch a successful career will be highlighted at two events this summer.

The Sussex Council of Training Providers, in partnership with East Sussex County Council and East Sussex Careers Hub, are holding free Apprenticeship Roadshows in Hastings and Eastbourne over the coming weeks.

The events are being held at the White Rock Theatre, Hastings on Tuesday, June 25, and at the Welcome Building, Eastbourne on Thursday, July 11. Both events run from 4.30pm until 6.30pm.

Young people, job seekers and those looking to change or progress their careers will be able to find out more about apprenticeship pathways at the roadshows.

Employers and training providers will be at the events promoting their live vacancies and on hand to provide up to date information on apprenticeships from pre-employment schemes through to higher and degree level apprenticeships.

Hastings based Marshall-Tufflex Ltd have attended a number of the roadshows in the past.

Operations Manager Dan Wahnon said: “As an employer, it is crucial to invest in the next generation to ensure the ongoing success of our industries. The Hastings and Eastbourne Apprenticeship Roadshows have been invaluable in recent years, providing us with a prime opportunity to engage with aspiring engineers.

“These events allow us to inform young talents about the steps they need to take to achieve their career goals and to highlight the opportunities available within our local community.”

Scott Monk, managing director at GM Monk, an electrical contracting firm working across East Sussex which takes on a number of apprentices each year, said: “As a local employer within Sussex, supporting the roadshows helps strengthen the apprenticeship opportunities within the area and increases our apprentice routes within the company, which will lead to future careers within the construction industry.”

Attendees will also be able to hear firsthand about what apprenticeships involve by joining expert panel Q&A sessions involving apprentices, apprenticeship employers and training providers.

Councillor Penny di Cara, lead member for economy at East Sussex County Council, said: “Last year over 800 young people, parents and job seekers attended the Apprenticeship Roadshows, and I am delighted we are supporting the events again this year.

“Those attending the free roadshows will be able to visit our next steps support areas to find out what pathway is right for them and hear from current apprentices about their experiences, as well as meet local employers and training providers with live apprenticeship vacancies.

“The events offer a great opportunity for young people and those looking for a career change to find out more about apprenticeships and the opportunities they can provide.”

Registration for the events is free but spaces are limited. For further information and to register for either event visit

Employers who would like the opportunity to advertise their vacancies at the roadshows are asked to contact