Measures make School Streets safer for families

PUPILS will now find it easier to walk, wheel or cycle to school thanks to the launch of a new scheme in three areas of the county.

Langney Primary Academy School in Eastbourne, Southover C of E Primary School in Lewes, and All Saints C of E Primary School in Sidley, Bexhill have restricted vehicle access during peak school hours to make the pick-up and drop-off safer and more enjoyable. Continue reading

Flexier Flexibus

white mini bus style bus parked upFLEXIBUS, East Sussex’s on-demand bus service, is now even more flexible with the introduction of one single zone.

Passengers can book Flexibus trips to any destination within a 14-mile radius of their pick-up point within the new zone, which covers 90 per cent of the county as well as some key destinations beyond the border such as transport hubs and hospitals.

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Congratulations to East Sussex students as exam results announced

escc logoCOUNCIL leaders are celebrating the efforts of young people across East Sussex today as this year’s GCSE results are announced.

Cllr Bob Standley, lead member for education and inclusion, special educational needs and disability at East Sussex County Council, said: “Our young people have worked hard to ensure that they were well prepared for their examinations and this is reflected in the results that they have received today.

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