New option for Exceat to be considered

escc logoOPTIONS for Exceat Bridge are to be reconsidered by council leaders after unavoidable delays and planning requirements sent costs for a new two-lane bridge spiralling.

East Sussex County Council had planned to replace the aged one-lane bridge with a new two-lane bridge to remove the bottleneck, reduce journey times and improve accessibility for visitors to the area.

The council secured almost £8 million of Levelling Up funding from the Department for Transport (DfT) in 2021 for the project.

But the time taken to secure planning permission, lengthy land negotiations and the cost of meeting design requirements in a national park, along with increased construction costs and inflation, means costs have risen by more than £10 million and the new bridge is now unaffordable.

On Tuesday, March 4, Cabinet will be asked to consider proposing a new option; a one-lane replacement bridge with permanent traffic lights, after possibilities to plug the funding gap were exhausted.

The report to Cabinet says: “Additional funding sources considered have included borrowing; consideration of the introduction of toll charges; and use of potential future Lane Rental income. However, none of these are viable.”

It concludes that it will not be possible to meet the estimated funding gap of £10.667 million.

As well as replacing the bridge like-for-like, the Cabinet report looks at the option for refurbishing the existing structure with members being told that this would be a temporary fix with the bridge having to be replaced in a few years.

If agreed, the replacement bridge proposal will need confirmation from the Department for Transport that the original Levelling Up funding could still be used for the project.

As well as seeking permission to change the scheme, the council will also need to request an extension to the March 2025 deadline for spending the money, to March 2026.

It is anticipated that the option to replace the existing bridge will fall within the council’s permitted development rights, meaning no further planning permission would be needed but this is subject to confirmation by the South Downs National Park Authority, as the planning authority.

The new proposal can no longer include two lanes, viewing platforms, or a shared space with bike racks and seating, as this would require additional funding. Future improvements for sustainable travel will be included where funding and planning allows.

The full report can be found at