Congratulations to East Sussex students as A-Level exam results announced

escc logoCOUNCIL leaders have praised the efforts of young people across East Sussex as they receive their A Level, Technical and Vocational qualifications today.

Cllr Bob Standley, lead member for education and inclusion, special educational needs and disability at East Sussex County Council, said: “On behalf of the County Council, I would like to congratulate East Sussex’s post-16 students on their hard work and determination. Our young people were well prepared for their examinations, and this is reflected in the results that they have received today.”

“It is wonderful to see the achievement of our students in East Sussex and it’s a huge credit to their diligence and dedication to their studies. We also want to thank our teachers and tutors in our colleges, sixth forms and training providers, who have supported young people as they have worked towards these qualifications. Our congratulations to them all.

“The commitment shown by students across East Sussex will provide them with a solid foundation on which to continue their studies and build their future careers. I’d like to wish them the best of luck in the future.

“As we celebrate success in East Sussex, we know that not everyone will have the results they wanted today, and we encourage all to make use of the available resources to help navigate their next steps.”

Parents and young people can contact their school or college for advice on the next steps available. The Youth Employability Service also has information available for 18-year-olds at

Cllr Standley continued: “We continue to be mindful of the challenges facing the younger members of our community, particularly when it comes to mental health. Support is available to those who may be struggling and I would encourage people to seek help if they need to.”

Young people, parents and carers can find information on the help available to support their mental health and wellbeing at

The Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust is also offering help for students via a text messaging service. Students are encouraged to text the word SUSSEX to 85258 to access support.