Public invited to help shape rights of way plan

THE PUBLIC are being asked to share how they use the county’s 2,000 miles of rights of ways and help shape a 10-year access plan.

East Sussex County Council has launched a public survey as part of its review of the county’s Rights of Way Access Plan and is encouraging people to share how people use rights of way, how they plan to use them in the future and what barriers they face.  The new plan will replace the previous Rights of Way Improvement Plan.

The survey is the first step in an extensive process which will see the council working with a wide range of groups and organisations across the county and the public to identify what needs to be done to ensure the countryside is as accessible as possible, encourage people to use rights of way and protect the county’s landscape.

Cllr Claire Dowling, lead member for transport and environment, said: “We have an extensive network of public footpaths, bridleways and byways across East Sussex which are well-used by walkers, cyclists and horse-riders. It is important that we have a plan in place to ensure public rights of way continue to meet their needs.

“To ensure that our access strategy fully reflects the needs of users, we’d like to hear from as many people as possible and I would encourage the public to take part in the survey.”

The plan that will be developed with feedback will identify areas where action can be taken to improve public rights of ways. Priorities from the plan would require external funding.

Cllr Dowling added: “While there is no additional funding behind the strategy, it will enable us to have priorities set out for when funding becomes available and opportunities arise – whether that’s from grants or developer contributions, for example.”

Members of the public can complete the survey by visiting The survey will remain open until Friday, March 14.

Following discussion with interested groups, workshops and meetings, and considering responses from the public survey, a Rights of Way Access Plan will be drafted.  The draft plan will go out for public consultation and feedback considered before the plan is adopted.

Updates about the review will be available at
