Category Archives: Business

Putting local businesses in the driving seat of East Sussex economy

TEAM East Sussex (TES), the county’s business-led strategic advisory economic growth board, is calling on small businesses to help drive forward economic growth in the region by supporting a network of local business-led groups.

Following the recent closure of the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP) and the integration of its functions and services into East Sussex County Council, the county now has more control over its economic future, meaning plans can be put in place that directly benefit local businesses. Continue reading

Apprenticeship support for East Sussex businesses

young people looking at an information boardAPPRENTICESHIPS in East Sussex will be given a boost this week as East Sussex County Council supports National Apprenticeship Week, which runs from February 5 to February 11.

As well as highlighting the national campaign, the county council is reminding small and medium sized businesses (SMEs) about the support available to assist with their organisation’s skills and training needs.

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