Category Archives: General

Council leaders’ ‘fair deal for East Sussex’ plea to PM

CabKeithGlazier (Small)POLITICAL leaders in East Sussex have united to voice to David Cameron their ‘significant concerns’ over Government funding cuts.

In a letter to the Prime Minister sent on behalf of all political group leaders, East Sussex County Council leader Cllr Keith Glazier said the cuts the authority was facing would ‘significantly reduce the quality of life for many people in East Sussex’. Continue reading

Minister welcomes case for 3SC devolution

Tunnel.jpgLeaders behind the devolution bid for three of England’s strongest performing counties have outlined to Government how their plan would boost growth for the region’s residents.

Communities Minister Baroness Williams heard the proposals for how East Sussex, Surrey and West Sussex would work together to help tackle the congested road and rail network, pioneer new digital technology, close the skills gap that is holding businesses back and build new affordable homes. Continue reading