A celebration of the contributions and achievements of older people in East Sussex is in full swing.
Some events have already been held and the final preparations are being made to others to mark Older People’s Day 2013 which will be celebrated nationwide on Tuesday 1 October.
Local groups across the county are offering a range of events and are encouraging as many people as possible to join in.
There are more than 50 events detailed in the events programme.
For example, learn how to live the ‘good life’ with a lifestyle fair at The Winter Gardens in Eastbourne on Wednesday, October 2. The event, organised by Eastbourne Seniors’ Forum and Age Concern, will include displays and presentations on a wide range of interests and services.
There is also the chance to enjoy a musical morning at Ardath residential care home in Bexhill and an over 50s roadshow, organised by Meridian Mature Citizens’ Forum, in Newhaven. Both events will be held on Tuesday, October 1.
The full programme of events is available to pick up from your local library or to download.
The booklet includes details of all events and contact details for people to book places, where necessary. There are also details of how to get to the venue and what help is available with transport.
There is a charge for some events. The programme includes contact details to check the latest information about each event.
Visit the Older People’s Day website to find out more about the celebration.
More information about seniors forums across East Sussex can be found on the ESSA Forum website or you can contact June Pratley on 01273 335467 or email june.pratley@eastsussex.gov.uk
If you have problems getting a copy of the events programme booklet call 01273 481565.