Measures make School Streets safer for families

PUPILS will now find it easier to walk, wheel or cycle to school thanks to the launch of a new scheme in three areas of the county.

Langney Primary Academy School in Eastbourne, Southover C of E Primary School in Lewes, and All Saints C of E Primary School in Sidley, Bexhill have restricted vehicle access during peak school hours to make the pick-up and drop-off safer and more enjoyable.

The School Streets schemes follow successful trials of temporary measures at these three schools in 2021 during the Covid pandemic, which made it easier for people to walk, wheel and cycle to school.

Following a consultation in May this year, which received a positive outcome, an Experimental Traffic Regulation Order has been put in place at the three schools restricting vehicles on weekdays from 8.15am to 8.45am and 2.45pm to 3.30pm at Langney Primary,  8.15am to 9am and 2.45pm to 4.15pm at All Saints Primary, and 8.20am to 8.50am and 3pm to 3.30pm at Southover Primary.

Cllr Claire Dowling, lead member for transport and environment, said: “I’m delighted to see that we have been able to take three school streets schemes forward from the trial and am grateful for the efforts made by our officers, school leaders and communities to get this in place.

“As well as supporting healthy and active lifestyles among primary school children, the new measures will help create a cleaner, more pleasant environment outside schools.”

Road signs have been installed around the school entrance areas to show where access restrictions apply during pick-up and drop-off times. As well as these measures, each school will run activities to encourage families to use the School Street area to explore different ways to travel to school. These measures are being delivered using funding secured by East Sussex County Council through Active Travel England.

Cllr Dowling added: “I’m looking forward to seeing the difference we can make for families travelling to and from school. The restrictions will be in place for six months to allow feedback to be provided from the local and school communities, and for officers to monitor its success. It is hoped that the measures will then be made permanent.”

A copy of the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order and the council’s reasons for making the order can be viewed at County Hall in Lewes and online at;

For Langney Primary Academy School:

For All Saints CE Primary School:

For Southover CE Primary School:

Objections or other representations, together with the grounds on which it is made, can be sent to East Sussex County Council, Communities Economy & Transport, Parking, B Floor – West Block, County Hall, St Anne’s Crescent, Lewes BN7 1UE or by email to quoting reference TRO/503 to arrive no later than March 13, 2025.
