CHANGES to bus services supported by East Sussex County Council will be discussed by cabinet in July.
Members will be asked to agree a consultation into proposed changes to bus services the council financially supports.
Under the proposals supported peak time services would be largely unchanged and the majority of children travelling to their nearest school would be unaffected.
Supported off-peak daytime services that currently operate hourly or better would still operate Monday to Saturday with a reduced frequency, off peak daytime services that currently operate less than hourly would generally be reduced to a service operating two days a week.
Financial support for 13 evening and Sunday services would be withdrawn and funding for dial-a-ride transport would be reduced to provide a minimum two days a week service.
For 91 per cent* of current passengers, there would be no change to the services on offer, while more than 95 per cent of users would still have access to a six day a week service. The proposed changes could save the council a total of 1.79m.
On a typical weekday around 7,500 passengers use the county’s supported bus network.
Cabinet will also be asked to endorse the draft Public Transport Strategic Commissioning Strategy, which will drive the changes and ensure four priority groups’ needs are met;
• Priority 1 – enable children eligible for statutory free home to school transport to travel to the nearest suitable school or college
• Priority 2 – enable residents to get to work at key centres during peak times.
• Priority 3 – enable residents to access essential services during the day on a minimum of two days per week. This includes access to healthy affordable food, healthcare appointments, banks and hairdressers.
• Priority 4 – enable children who are not eligible for statutory free home to school transport to travel to the nearest available school or college
Cabinet will meet to discuss the proposals on July 1, 2014 and, if they approve, a 12 week public consultation will be launched.
*Passenger estimates are based on the latest available data from surveys on operator returns. Savings estimates are based on projections from current contract costs.