#FosteringMoments shared in awareness fortnight

THE moments that have mattered the most to foster families and children in care across East Sussex will be highlighted as part of Foster Care Fortnight.

East Sussex County Council has launched a social media campaign to support The Fostering Network’s annual awareness campaign, sharing the experiences of those involved in fostering.

#FosteringMoments will be shared on the council’s social media channels until Sunday May 26 to raise the profile of fostering and show how foster care transforms lives.

One of the foster carers whose memorable moment features in the campaign is Hannah, who has been fostering for five years.

“Sometimes the smallest of gestures, the tiniest of moments or a single look make a breakthrough moment,” she said. “You’ve done it; you realise that you’ve just gained the trust of a young person who may not have been able to trust an adult before.”

Hannah’s eldest daughter, who was eight when the family started fostering, remembered the first foster child to join her family: “The first time I came home from school and we had a baby to care for was really memorable for me. I remember thinking how tiny they were and how important our role in fostering is.”

It is hoped that telling the stories of foster carers will encourage more local people to consider opening their home and heart to a child in need.

Ade Sewell, the county council’s fostering team manager, said: “Foster carers are amazing, dedicated people.  Young people come to them in probably one of the greatest times of crisis in their lives and foster carers give them strategies to take forward into adulthood, into their own relationships and into their parenting.

“It is so important that we try to keep as much of a child’s life familiar when they come into care; attending school with their friends, staying in contact with family and extended family members, where appropriate.  Having local foster carers helps us do that.

“I hope this Foster Care Fortnight will encourage more local people to consider whether they could offer a young person care and support.”

Those interested can join one of the council’s informal online events to find out more about the different types of fostering, the support available and ask questions.

For information about these events, and to find out more about fostering, visit www.eastsussex.gov.uk/fostering or call 01323 464129.

More information about Foster Care Fortnight can be found at www.thefosteringnetwork.org.uk/foster-care-fortnight-2024
