Author Archives: karenb

Cabinet to discuss revised savings proposals

THE details of how to make the savings necessary to address a significant funding gap will be discussed by council leaders next week.

East Sussex County Council’s Cabinet will meet on Tuesday, February 25 to consider changes to 10 of the 11 original proposals following public consultation and detailed financial appraisals based on final funding agreements. Continue reading

More skills projects benefit from £1 million boost

BexhillNINE more projects in Hastings and Rother have benefitted from Government funding designed to support training and boost employability.

The Skills Capital Fund from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), has already helped 11 projects in the area including a digital skills classroom, virtual reality healthcare training and the creation of a community carpentry studio. Continue reading

Greater powers for Sussex come a step closer with government backing for devolution

An opportunity to gain new powers and investment for Sussex has moved a step nearer with the government’s agreement to make the area a priority for devolution.

Following an expression of interest from the leaders of Brighton & Hove City Council, East Sussex County Council and West Sussex County Council, ministers have approved proposals to create a mayoral strategic authority for Sussex, made up of an elected mayor and two members of each constituent authority, with strategic powers for transport, public safety, health, environment and climate change, housing, economic growth, skills and jobs. Continue reading

Reserves and savings could help deliver balanced budget in tough times

THE USE of reserves and £13.5 million of savings could help deliver a balanced budget in a stark financial climate as East Sussex plans how it will spend £578.8 million on services in 2025/26.

Proposals for East Sussex County Council’s budget will be presented to Cabinet next week along with a Council Plan which will help ensure limited funding is focussed on areas of priority for the county. Cabinet will be asked to make recommendations to Full Council when it meets to set the budget on Tuesday, February 11. Continue reading