Category Archives: Adult Social Care

Protect people in care in East Sussex by scrapping cost increase, government is urged

THE government is being urged to help protect vulnerable people in East Sussex by halting extra costs on care providers.

East Sussex County Council and East Sussex Partners in Care (ESPiC), an alliance of care providers, have joined forces to call for an urgent change to measures in the October budget which would reduce the money available for social care in the county by millions of pounds.

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Cabinet to consider options to address £55m funding gap

COUNCIL leaders will be discussing how savings might be made to address the £55 million funding gap the authority could face next year.

The first round of savings proposals for 2025/26 will be presented to Cabinet on Thursday, September 26, with members being asked to agree to consult on these, carry out further work to identify additional savings and continue to lobby for more sustainable funding. Continue reading