EAST SUSSEX residents can now contact the council using British Sign Language (BSL).
The council has launched an initial six-month trial of the BSL interpreting service, SignLive, to ensure more residents can access the help and support they need.
A SPECIAL celebration event has been held to mark Beeching Park’s historic Golden Jubilee.
This year the service is celebrating 50 years of providing day services for people with learning disabilities.
Over the last half century Beeching Park, which is the home of Hastings and Rother Day Service, has seen two monarchs, 12 Prime Ministers and delivered over 12,000 days of service.
A NEW app and online platform designed to make it easier for people to volunteer has been officially launched by East Sussex County Council.
The Tribe app was unveiled to voluntary organisations across the county this week, with demonstrations by developer Bronze Labs. Continue reading