Category Archives: Transport and Environment

Public invited to help shape rights of way plan

THE PUBLIC are being asked to share how they use the county’s 2,000 miles of rights of ways and help shape a 10-year access plan.

East Sussex County Council has launched a public survey as part of its review of the county’s Rights of Way Access Plan and is encouraging people to share how people use rights of way, how they plan to use them in the future and what barriers they face.  The new plan will replace the previous Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Continue reading

Work to make 16 East Sussex sites safer begins

Cllr Claire DowlingWORK has begun on measures to reduce driver speeds as part of a programme to make East Sussex roads safer.

A detailed assessment was carried out on the county’s A and B roads against factors including the character of the road and the environment, the average speed of vehicles, the level of vulnerable road users, facilities such as schools, shops and hospitals in the area, and the existing crash record. Continue reading