Category Archives: Transport and Environment

Cash boost will help residents to choose new ways to travel

CabCarlMaynard (Small)A CASH boost of almost £700,000 will help East Sussex County Council cut congestion and encourage walking and cycling.

The Department for Transport has announced funding of £684,000 as part of its Local Sustainable Transport Fund aimed at supporting local economic growth, improving health and cutting congestion and carbon to provide environmental benefits. Continue reading

East Sussex welcomes £46million boost to local economy

Cllr Keith GlazierECONOMIC growth in East Sussex is to get a boost thanks to Government funding of £46million.

The ‘Growth Deal’ will help the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SE LEP) deliver its seven year plan to generate 200,000 private sector jobs, 100,000 new homes and transform the transport infrastructure across the south east. Continue reading