10 years of People Bank celebrated at special birthday event

It is now ten years since the Adult Social Care People Bank initiative was launched by East Sussex County Council, and to mark the occasion we held a special birthday event for its members.

Celebrations included a day of adult social-care-focused activities, talks and discussions held at the Towner Eastbourne on 29 November.

It was the first time in two years the group had met face-to-face, and with membership almost doubling since 2020, the event was a great opportunity for members to make new friends or rekindle old friendships.

The People Bank began in 2012 with 31 members; today it has 144 people volunteering their time to help improve existing services and develop new ones.

Members sit on boards and steering groups, take part in project groups, support commissioning and share their views through surveys and discussion groups.

Ian and Christine Stewart are life-long carers for their daughter and started attending the People Bank to give her a voice in the services she uses.

Ian said: “It’s not a feeling of them and us, it’s a feeling that the council wants to hear what we have to say, and being a member also gives us the chance to talk to people like us.”

Christine said: “It’s how I was brought up, to give back to the community you live in and volunteer for things.  When I see a little success, not necessarily massive changes but some success, then it spurs me on to continue.”

Gwladys Mabb, from Eastbourne, has been a member of the People Bank for 10 years. With her nursing background, Gwladys is interested in people and joined because she wanted to make everything inclusive and ensure people got what they are entitled to.

She said: “I think it’s worthwhile because people moan and don’t do anything but if you come to something like this you can find out what’s happening in the background.”

Dorothy Rowland – known as Dot – is an unpaid, self-funded carer for her husband. Dot said she joined the People Bank earlier this year because she wants to be able to help people in similar situations as herself.

To find out about joining the People Bank visit our website or get in touch to request an information pack. You can email consultation.ASC@eastsussex.gov.uk or leave a message by ringing 01273 335 267.