Give your views on accessing financial and benefits advice for a chance to win £50 voucher

Cost of living concerns are affecting us all, and so the County Council is asking for your support in helping us create simpler ways for you to access advice about managing money.

By completing a short survey, you will help the County Council and NHS Sussex make sure the welfare benefits and debt advice services meet your needs.

The survey asks people in East Sussex about how much they know about the financial help that’s available.

Complete the survey by 17 March to enter a prize draw to win a £50 Love2Shop voucher. You don’t need to have previously accessed welfare benefits or debt advice to participate.

If you are having money worries, our Cost of Living Support webpage gives you advice and guidance on a range of topics to help ease your financial concerns.

New centre in Bexhill to give patients quicker diagnostic and outpatient care

Accessing diagnostic tests has become a little easier for patients in East Sussex with the opening of a one-stop Community Diagnostic Centre in Bexhill.

The state-of-the-art centre will be open five days a week and offer a range of diagnostic and outpatient treatments that would normally be carried out in hospital.

Diagnostics services include x-rays, echo-electrocardiogram (ECGs), ultrasound, lung function and phlebotomy, as well as MRI and CT scans on a rotating basis.

Outpatient care at the centre will include ECGs, fitting of wearable blood pressure monitors and consultant appointments.

The centre will help reduce waiting times, which is a key priority in NHS Sussex’s latest ‘Improving Lives Together’ strategy that sets out its health and care ambitions for the next five years.

Creating better health and wellbeing through creativity

Art in its many forms – from TV to opera – has a way of uplifting all of us, and it’s because of this the County Council is developing a plan to use creativity to promote health and wellbeing in East Sussex.

The three-year strategic plan aims to improve quality of life and healthy-life expectancy for East Sussex residents.

The goal is to use art and creativity to reduce people’s loneliness and social isolation while developing their skills and social cohesion.

The plan to support health and wellbeing through arts and creativity will be for everybody, whether you think you’re creative or not.

A meeting to kick-start the ‘Creating Healthier Lives – Arts in Public Health’ plan was held at the Towner, Eastbourne on 17 February. The event is one of a series of activities to seek feedback for the plan.

The meeting was led by the East Sussex Public Health team, Nick Ewbank Associates, Towner Eastbourne and Coastal Creative Consulting.

Trials to begin to speed hospital discharge times in Sussex

A programme to speed up hospital discharge times will be trialled in the county as health and care partners across Sussex work together to free up beds and ease pressures on the service.

A new data tool to help services manage performance, give operational oversight and manage demand will be trialled by Sussex Health and Care Integrated Care System.

Sussex is one of six national areas to join the ‘Discharge Frontrunner’ programme, which will look at long-term solutions to discharging patients from hospital in a safe and timely way while still providing patients with continuity of care.

Up to £200 million of funding is being made available country-wide to buy short-term care placements. This will allow people to be discharged safely from hospitals into the community where they will receive the care they need to recover before returning to their homes.

You can learn more about what steps are being taken to speed up hospital discharge, and avoid admissions in the first place.

We’ll keep you updated on the trials in future newsletters, so make sure you read your copy each month.

Cold snap highlights need to protect yourself from the cold

The cold snap may have passed us – for the moment – but February’s wintry weather means you should still be thinking of how to safeguard your own health and wellbeing.

Keeping warm over the winter can help prevent colds, flu and more serious health problems such as heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.

Firstly, if you are eligible NHS Sussex is urging you to get the flu vaccine.

You are also asked to treat winter and seasonal viruses in the warmth and comfort of your own homes and try to avoid visiting hospitals or vulnerable relatives if However, we appreciate that keeping your home warm is getting harder, so for help and advice on staying warm this winter visit our Cost of Living page.

And please look out for friends and family who may be vulnerable to the cold, ensure they have access to warm food and drinks, can heat their homes adequately and have any prescription medicines they need.

Tips for staying well during low temperatures include:

  • Don’t delay treating minor winter ailments like colds or sore throats. People can visit their local pharmacist for advice and treatment.
  • Try to maintain indoor temperatures to at least 18°C, particularly if you’re not mobile, have a long-term illness or are 65 or over.
  • Wear shoes with good grip when outside to avoid slips and falls on slippery or icy surfaces.

And don’t forget, you can sign up for free Cold Alerts to make sure you’re prepared for any cold snaps during February.

Importance of cervical screening highlighted during Cervical Cancer month

The essential message to take action and book a cervical screening was given out throughout January as part of Cervical Cancer Awareness month.

The NHS is urging anyone eligible for cervical screening to book a potentially life-saving appointment at their local clinic.

Around 2,700 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in England each year, but the NHS screening programme helps save around 5,000 lives each year.

The health service wants to eradicate the cancer through a combination of vaccination and early identification.

Screening checks are made to detect high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV), which is found in more than 99% of all cervical cancers and which may cause abnormal cells to develop in the cervix. These abnormal cells can, over time, turn into cancer if left untreated.

Residents asked to have their say on health-related behaviour change services

At this time of year, many of us are thinking about our New Year resolutions to eat well, manage our weight, move more, quit smoking and drink less.

There is a local service in East Sussex called One You East Sussex that helps people do just that, but we are thinking of making some changes to how the service supports residents. Before we make any changes it’s important we understand how people and communities would be affected.

We’ve included a short summary about the changes below. You can find out more and complete the consultation survey on the East Sussex County Council consultation website until 10 March.

To get back to a healthier you and make simple changes towards a longer and happier life visit the One You website.

Proposed changes

The changes would mean only those in greatest need will be routinely offered more intensive forms of help. This might include face-to-face support from a health coach, or a weight management group delivered online or in person.

Eligible residents will continue to be offered a holistic health assessment, and you’ll have access to online support programmes to help make changes to your health-related behaviours.

The proposed changes would mean the service can offer greater levels of support to those who need it the most. For example, this might include people living in areas where deprivation levels are high and life expectancy is lower than average, or people living with a disability or mental health issue.

Any savings from these changes would be used by the service to help it achieve the best possible health outcomes for residents and communities.

A final decision on the proposed change to the service model will be made in June 2023.

Get engaged in your community by joining an Older People’s Forum in your area.

If the New Year has inspired you to become more involved with your community, then joining your local Older People’s Forum is a great place to start.

The Forums are a perfect way to meet people, find out about activities, attend Older People’s Day events, or to just be better informed about issues that impact you, such as health and social care.

For example, as part of its relaunch Lewes and Villages Seniors Forum has been doing good work on eat and heat, including a recipe booklet for one pot cooking to save energy costs.

Membership of a Forum is free and open to anyone aged 50-years-old or over.

There are eight Older People’s Forums within the county to choose from.

Each forum is led by a committee of members. Some forums have formed special interest groups (such as transport, health and well-being) that reflect the concerns of their local members.

10 years of People Bank celebrated at special birthday event

It is now ten years since the Adult Social Care People Bank initiative was launched by East Sussex County Council, and to mark the occasion we held a special birthday event for its members.

Celebrations included a day of adult social-care-focused activities, talks and discussions held at the Towner Eastbourne on 29 November.

It was the first time in two years the group had met face-to-face, and with membership almost doubling since 2020, the event was a great opportunity for members to make new friends or rekindle old friendships.

The People Bank began in 2012 with 31 members; today it has 144 people volunteering their time to help improve existing services and develop new ones.

Members sit on boards and steering groups, take part in project groups, support commissioning and share their views through surveys and discussion groups.

Ian and Christine Stewart are life-long carers for their daughter and started attending the People Bank to give her a voice in the services she uses.

Ian said: “It’s not a feeling of them and us, it’s a feeling that the council wants to hear what we have to say, and being a member also gives us the chance to talk to people like us.”

Christine said: “It’s how I was brought up, to give back to the community you live in and volunteer for things.  When I see a little success, not necessarily massive changes but some success, then it spurs me on to continue.”

Gwladys Mabb, from Eastbourne, has been a member of the People Bank for 10 years. With her nursing background, Gwladys is interested in people and joined because she wanted to make everything inclusive and ensure people got what they are entitled to.

She said: “I think it’s worthwhile because people moan and don’t do anything but if you come to something like this you can find out what’s happening in the background.”

Dorothy Rowland – known as Dot – is an unpaid, self-funded carer for her husband. Dot said she joined the People Bank earlier this year because she wants to be able to help people in similar situations as herself.

To find out about joining the People Bank visit our website or get in touch to request an information pack. You can email or leave a message by ringing 01273 335 267.

Improvements to patient care in heart and eye services across East Sussex approved

The East Sussex Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (HOSC) has endorsed proposals to improve cardiology and ophthalmology services for the people of East Sussex.

The proposals – which aim to improve the quality of care for all those who need it, cut waiting times, reduce how long people have to stay in hospital, and the number of times they need to visit for appointments or tests – were developed by hospital doctors, GPs and other health professionals.

The proposals had previously been unanimously agreed by the NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board (ICB) at its meeting on 2 November. The endorsement from East Sussex HOSC came at its meeting on 15 December.

Work will now begin to implement the proposed improvements to cardiology and ophthalmology services, which will provide the very best outcomes for local people.

For ophthalmology, care will be improved by consolidating the services currently provided at Eastbourne District General Hospital, Bexhill Hospital and Conquest Hospital into two sites at Eastbourne District General Hospital and Bexhill Hospital. This will enable patients to have quicker access to tests and treatment and more input from the most senior clinicians. It will also enable one-stop clinics, reducing the number of appointments patients need to attend.

For cardiology, care at both the Conquest Hospital, Hastings and Eastbourne District General Hospital (DGH) will be enhanced by creating new cardiac response teams to attend at the front end of the hospitals. This will ensure that people are assessed quicker, when they first come into the emergency departments (EDs) of the hospitals, meaning that emergency patients start receiving specialist care more quickly.

The interventional specialist cardiac services will be sited at Eastbourne DGH. Concentrating the most highly specialised interventional and specialist inpatient cardiology services on one site meets national best practice and will mean the highest standard of care for patients. This will allow our staff to develop greater expertise in new treatments and ensure people are being offered the very best care when they need it. This is only changing for 3% of all cardiac patients seen in East Sussex each year.

The vast majority (97%) of cardiology services will stay the same at both the Conquest, Hastings and Eastbourne DGH. To make sure that the majority of patients receive good quality care close to home outpatients, non-invasive diagnostics, cardiac-monitored beds, cardiac rehabilitation and heart failure services would stay at both hospitals and in the community (where these services are already provided).

These plans are the culmination of a comprehensive programme of work that has considered the best clinical evidence, recommendations from clinical experts and a review and evaluation of feedback from two separate public consultations in which hundreds of people, including service users, carers and their families, as well as a wide range of organisations, took part.

Progress updates and further news on the improvements will continue next year.

You can read the HOSC papers and find out more about the improvements, as well as all the background reports and documents, on the cardiology and ophthalmology  home pages.