Tag Archives: Care for the Carers

Carers Reviews will continue to be delegated to CftC through to 2025

A Carer Reviews pilot project between the Adult Social Care Team and Care for the Carers (CftC) will continue for the next three years after the project was found to provide an overwhelmingly positive experience for carers.

Carer Reviews are used to better understand the impact of the caring role on the carer’s life and their own health and wellbeing.

Normally undertaken by Adult Social Care as a statutory requirement, the project piloted reviews being undertaken by CftC, the Carers Centre for East Sussex.

The pilot project found that:

  • carers felt the process was smooth and well organised
  • having CftC as the single point of contact for reviewing their needs as a carer worked well
  • needs could be met in a timely, co-ordinated and responsive way and they could receive the support they need when they most needed it

The extension follows an assessment of the service among a random sample of carers who had received Reviews since the pilot began.

The pilot project followed a workshop on Reviews that identified how some Carer Reviews were not being routinely completed.