Celebrating success of primary school careers pilot

A CAREERS initiative designed to inspire primary school children is celebrating success as a year-long pilot comes to an end.

Since launching in 2019, the Primary Careers Hub has worked with 23 primary schools and more than 160 employees to provide career-related learning experiences for more than 7,200 pupils from Reception to Year 6.

East Sussex was the only local authority named in the Government’s pilot and was given £145,000 to extend its already established and successful careers hub for secondary school children.

Cllr Bob Standley, the county council’s lead member for education and inclusion and special educational needs (ISEND), said: “This pilot enabled us to work with primary schools and businesses to raise the aspirations of young children in East Sussex.

“While they are a long way from the beginning of their careers, this project has given thousands of children a better understanding of work life, the careers available and inspired them to follow a path to their dream job.

“The pilot has established long-lasting links between primary schools and local businesses and will help embed careers-related learning in the curriculum.”

Many events and visits had to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but work continued on the initiative and a series of short films supporting the link between the primary curriculum and the world of work were produced.

The films, which involved several of the county’s businesses, can continue to be accessed – along with classroom resources and case studies, at https://careerseastsussex.co.uk/advice/primary-careers-hub/

Cllr Rupert Simmons, lead member for economy, added: “Raising the career aspirations of children in East Sussex and helping them to understand the skills they need for different jobs is extremely important, and the great work of our established Careers Hub will continue to support this.

“Not only does the Hub give students experience and knowledge of work, but it hugely benefits employers who are able to work with education providers to shape training and careers support to ensure a future, local workforce which has relevant skills and training.”

Businesses interested in working with East Sussex schools to improve careers and work readiness skills, promote apprenticeships, open their doors to groups of students or get involved with activities that promote their sector to young people, can contact EnterpriseCoordinator@eastsussex.gov.uk
