East Sussex celebrates rise in GCSE achievement

East Sussex students were celebrating GCSE success today with improved results across the county.

Average grades were up on 2018 across the full range of headline measures. And there was a particularly strong performance in English and Maths where the proportion of students getting higher grades (9-4) rose from 62 per cent last year to 64 per cent this year.
Cllr Bob Standley, Lead Member for Education and Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability, at East Sussex, said: “It’s wonderful to see achievement rising in East Sussex and it’s a huge credit to the hard work of students and their teachers as well as reflecting the support of their parents and carers. Our congratulations to them all.”

Achievement in East Sussex rose in three headline measures:

A total average attainment 8 score of 45.5 (this compares to 45.2 in 2018)
64.0 per cent achieving grades 9-4 in both English & Maths (this compares to 62.0 per cent in 2018)
41.9 per cent achieving grades 9-5 in both English & Maths (this compares to 41.4 per cent in 2018)
