Generous store staff help carers deliver a taste of Easter

Chocolate Easter eggsSOME of the most frail and vulnerable residents in East Sussex enjoyed a taste of Easter thanks to their care staff and the generosity of one of the country’s leading supermarkets.

Staff at the Milton Grange care centre in Eastbourne arranged a chocolate-tasting session for their clients, many of whom live with dementia or other serious impairments.

And when staff went to their local Waitrose to buy supplies, the store’s staff donated all the chocolate for free when they learned who would be enjoying it.

Janice Phillips, Intermediate Care Manager, at Milton Grange, said: “The sense of taste is often one that fades for our clients. But it’s a sense that is even more significant in these difficult times when we are unable to comfort and communicate using touch.

“We thought there was no better way to celebrate the sense of taste than with the wonderful array of chocolate available in our supermarkets and one of our team went to Waitrose in [Eastbourne] to buy what was needed. When she got to the till, Waitrose staff noticed the amount she was buying and when she explained why they immediately said there would be no charge and it was their way of saying thank you for the job care workers are doing.

“It was a wonderful gesture and one of those acts of kindness that make all the difference at this time.”

A spokesperson for Waitrose said: “We are very proud of the work our shop partners are doing across the country, and gestures like this are indicative of the spirit of community they are showing in these testing times.”
