Author Archives: karenb

Public invited to help shape rights of way plan

THE PUBLIC are being asked to share how they use the county’s 2,000 miles of rights of ways and help shape a 10-year access plan.

East Sussex County Council has launched a public survey as part of its review of the county’s Rights of Way Access Plan and is encouraging people to share how people use rights of way, how they plan to use them in the future and what barriers they face.  The new plan will replace the previous Rights of Way Improvement Plan. Continue reading

Sussex councils agree to submit expression of interest to devolution priority programme

THE Cabinets of the three Sussex upper tier Councils have today agreed to submit an expression of interest to be considered for the Government’s Devolution Priority Programme indicating support for a Sussex Mayoral Strategic Authority which could unlock new money and powers for the region.

The Government’s white paper on English Devolution states that Mayoral Strategic Authorities will bring funding and local decision-making powers down from central Government to deliver on economic growth, jobs and skills, housing and transport. Continue reading