Author Archives: karenb

Work to make 16 East Sussex sites safer begins

Cllr Claire DowlingWORK has begun on measures to reduce driver speeds as part of a programme to make East Sussex roads safer.

A detailed assessment was carried out on the county’s A and B roads against factors including the character of the road and the environment, the average speed of vehicles, the level of vulnerable road users, facilities such as schools, shops and hospitals in the area, and the existing crash record. Continue reading

Protect people in care in East Sussex by scrapping cost increase, government is urged

THE government is being urged to help protect vulnerable people in East Sussex by halting extra costs on care providers.

East Sussex County Council and East Sussex Partners in Care (ESPiC), an alliance of care providers, have joined forces to call for an urgent change to measures in the October budget which would reduce the money available for social care in the county by millions of pounds.

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Jail time for shop owner who sold illegal tobacco

A SHOP owner who failed to appear in court after the discovery of £6,000 worth illegal tobacco and cigarettes with a retail value of £6,000, has been jailed.

Arras Omar Ahmed, also known as Araz, of Devonshire Place, Hastings, faced three charges following two inspections and a test purchase by East Sussex Trading Standards at Little Shop in Bohemia Road, St Leonards. Continue reading