Category Archives: General

Rise in measles cases highlights importance of MMR jab

measles rash on child's torsoRESIDENTS across East Sussex are being urged to check they are up to date with their MMR vaccinations following a national rise in measles cases.

Local public health officials are encouraging people to protect their communities by making sure they, and their children, have received the MMR jab which protects against measles, mumps and rubella.

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New app will support volunteering opportunities

escc logoTHE CONTRIBUTION of volunteers is being celebrated with the development of an app to make it easier for people to find opportunities.

East Sussex County Council is working with The Tribe Project on an initiative to boost community involvement across the county and support voluntary organisations in finding the right volunteers for the right roles.

The app, currently in development, will help support the work of Rother Voluntary Action (RVA), Hastings Voluntary Action (HVA) and Wealden, Eastbourne, and Lewes Voluntary Action (3VA).

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