Category Archives: General

School Streets trial project starts

Six schools across East Sussex will be making more space outside their gates at pick up and drop off times when pupils return to school this month.

The trial School Streets schemes will restrict non-essential motor traffic at specific times to make more space for social distancing, walking and cycling during the school run. The six-week trial will start on 15 March 2021 and finish on 7 May 2021.

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Information and support available for residents who have now been advised to shield

INFORMATION and support is available for residents in East Sussex who have recently been advised to shield because they have now been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) to coronavirus.

Residents who have been added to the CEV group recently will receive a letter or an email from the government explaining what this means.  East Sussex County Council will also be getting in touch with these residents via text message, email or letter to let them know about the information and support on offer locally.

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Virtual LGBTQ+ exhibition launched

A VIRTUAL exhibition exploring the experiences of young LGBTQ+ people in East Sussex has been launched during LGBT History Month.

Originally intended to form a travelling schools exhibition which was halted due to the coronavirus pandemic, artwork from the ‘LGBTQ+=Me: A skip, a hop and a jump’ project is now available to view online.

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County’s £417 million spending plans approved

VITAL services in East Sussex will be supported with a £417 million budget after councillors approved spending plans for the new financial year.

The 2021/22 budget, which includes no new cuts beyond some of those already identified last year, was agreed by East Sussex County Council at a meeting of the Full Council today (Tuesday).

A council tax increase and social care levy totalling the equivalent of £1 a week for a Band D household, was also agreed in a bid to safeguard services against increasing costs and growing demand.

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