Category Archives: General

Participants sought for community research project

OLDER residents in Rye and Robertsbridge are being asked to share their experiences of life in rural Rother to help improve their communities for the future.

Healthy Ageing through Innovation in Rural Europe (HAIRE) is a research and community action project, funded by Interreg 2 Seas and the EU’s European Regional Development Fund, that aims to empower and enable older people to define what support they need, reduce loneliness, and improve health and wellbeing.

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Apprenticeship training boost for East Sussex businesses

Small and medium sized enterprises across the county will be able to access support for apprenticeship training following a successful funding application to the European Social Fund and a match funding pledge by East Sussex County Council.

A maximum of £600,000 will be available for up to two years, with a possible third year extension, after the Council agreed to match £300,000 from the Fund. Match funding from the council’s Apprenticeship Levy, will help small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) access apprenticeship advice and funding.

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