Category Archives: Public Health

Hastings residents urged to book a test for any virus concern

HASTINGS residents are being urged to book a Covid test if they suspect they may have been exposed to the Covid-19 virus, as infection rates rise in the borough.

Concern about the rise in cases and high transmission rates has prompted public health advice that anyone who thinks they may have been in close contact with someone infectious should get a PCR test, even if they feel fine.

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Funding boost for new supported apprenticeship scheme

THE COUNCIL has agreed funding of up to £615,000 to deliver a Supported Apprenticeship programme to create opportunities for some of the county’s most vulnerable residents.

People living in East Sussex in supported and temporary accommodation, and those at risk of homelessness in the county, will be given support to access apprenticeship placements and vocational training and earn sufficient income to help them live independently.

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