Category Archives: Roads

Delays warning over Polegate traffic lights

Damage to traffic lights controller in PolegateMOTORISTS are being warned to expect continuing delays after damage was caused to traffic lights at a busy crossroads in Polegate following a road traffic collision.

The crash on the A2270 Eastbourne Road at its junction with Wannock Road and High Street on Tuesday (15) seriously damaged the traffic light controller – the equipment which controls the phasing of the lights. Continue reading

Funding in sight for major road improvements

Cllr Keith GlazierSent on behalf of Transport for the South East

Several important roads in the South East have been officially recognised as major routes which can now qualify for improvements from national funds, after Transport for the South East made the case for them to Government.

Inclusion of the routes in the Major Roads Network (MRN), announced by the Department for Transport this week, underlines their strategic importance to regional and national travel.

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Urgent need for fair funding, council leaders tell Minister

Leaders from East Sussex have taken the case for fair funding right to the heart of Government.

Cllr Keith Glazier and Cllr David Elkin, leader and deputy leader of East Sussex County Council, met Liz Truss MP, Chief Secretary to the Treasury on Thursday (December 6), to explain the pressures the county and its people are under. Continue reading

Gritter drivers gear up for wintry weather

AS temperatures begin to fall across the county, a small army of gritter drivers are gearing up for a busy winter.

East Sussex Highways’ fleet of 24 gritters are ready to hit the road when snow is forecast, or the road surface temperature falls close to or below freezing, and have already been in action three times in the last two months. Continue reading