Category Archives: Transport and Environment

Last chance to give your views on flood risk

Cllr Claire DowlingTHE PUBLIC have just two weeks left to share their views for a project aimed at reducing the effect of flooding in Eastbourne and south Wealden.

The aim of the Blue Heart project, led by East Sussex County Council, is to build a smart water level management system that warns of heavy rainfall, calculates the best response and issues flood warnings and alerts, ensuring the residents of the study area are better informed and better protected against flooding. Continue reading

Economy-boosting access road opens to traffic

A NEW road which will improve transport links and boost Newhaven’s economy has officially opened to traffic.

The Newhaven Port Access Road is an integral part of the Newhaven Enterprise Zone, creating direct access to East Quay and allocated development land, opening up 80,000 sq m of business space and allowing the creation of new jobs. Continue reading