Category Archives: Transport and Environment

Six day road closure in Hastings

BATTLE Road in Hastings will be closed for 24 hours a day for six days from 15 March.

East Sussex Highways, in collaboration with Hastings Borough Council, will be closing Battle Road to install temporary concrete protection blocks.

The blocks are required to protect road users and pedestrians during the planned demolition of a privately owned structure.

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School Streets trial project starts

Six schools across East Sussex will be making more space outside their gates at pick up and drop off times when pupils return to school this month.

The trial School Streets schemes will restrict non-essential motor traffic at specific times to make more space for social distancing, walking and cycling during the school run. The six-week trial will start on 15 March 2021 and finish on 7 May 2021.

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Promising results from innovative safety programme

Cllr Bill BentleyPILOT schemes from an innovative programme to reduce the number of people killed or seriously injured on East Sussex roads have started to show promising results.

Two intervention projects designed to inspire a change in driver behaviour on the county’s roads have shown a reduction in reoffending among those caught speeding, while a third project has shown a reduction in the number of casualties at treated high risk sites. Continue reading

Attacks on enforcement officers prompt call for respect

Cllr Claire DowlingCOUNCIL bosses have called for an end to unacceptable behaviour towards officers trying to keep the roads safe and clear during lockdown.

Incidents of civil enforcements officers being threatened and attacked have risen over the past few weeks, with two officers requiring hospital attention following incidents in one week alone, which are being investigated by police. Continue reading