Category Archives: Transport and Environment

Views sought on walking and cycling networks

THE PUBLIC are being invited to give their views on a plan to make active travel more convenient for every day journeys. A consultation launches on Friday, October 30 on the East Sussex Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

The delivery of the plan, which relies on East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and their partners securing external funding, sets out an ambitious network of proposed cycling and walking routes and measures integrated with existing infrastructure. At this stage it does not include detailed proposals.

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Work on countywide street lighting upgrade continues

AN 18-month scheme to improve street lighting, which will reduce council energy bills and lower carbon emissions, starts this week.

Additional funding has been secured enabling East Sussex Highways to upgrade a total of 16,000 street light units to modern high efficiency LED lights and replace 3,000 aging concrete street lighting columns between now and March 2022 as part of a countywide project.

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Families urged to walk, cycle or scooter to school

Parking restrictions / zig zag lines outside schoolsAS CHILDREN and young people head back to school in September families are being encouraged to travel by foot, bike or scooter.

With roads expected to get a lot busier next month, parents and carers are being asked to play their part in cutting congestion and reducing carbon emissions and boosting children’s health. Continue reading