Volunteering: the health and wellbeing benefits of offering a helping hand

Volunteering is about more than helping your community. It’s been shown to improve wellbeing while also giving you valuable new skills and experiences that can boost confidence.

Volunteering in East Sussex is thriving. It happens where you see it, such as in charity shops, and where you don’t, such as neighbours lending each other a helping hand, or being a trustee for a local charity. It all matters, and it all improves our communities and our lives.

To celebrate Volunteer Week (1-7 June) we’re letting you know how you could become one of the 16.3 million people in the UK who volunteered through a group, club or organisation in 2020/21. Find out more about how you can become a volunteer.

Volunteering also provides opportunities and pathways into paid employment through new skills and experiences and building confidence. People can use their skills to support others; for example counselling, teaching, or helping people with their homework.

In East Sussex people who volunteered through a group, club or organisation contributed an estimated 9.6 million volunteer hours in 2020/21.

New app will bridge the gap

The Council is working with The Tribe Project on an app that will support groups and organisations in finding the right volunteers for the right roles.

Due to be launched this September, the app will support volunteering opportunities by allowing people receiving support – and those who support them – to request help from people that live in their community and are volunteers in trusted organisations.

It will help support the work of Rother Voluntary Action (RVA), Hastings Voluntary Action (HVA) and Wealden, Eastbourne, and Lewes Voluntary Action (3VA).

Volunteering opportunities

Most volunteers tell us that in doing something to help others, there’s a reward for them too. It can provide a real sense of purpose when they make a contribution and help to make a difference.

If you’re interested in volunteering but don’t know where or how to start, here are some suggestions on ways you can begin to help out in your local area:

The Volunteer Centre for East Sussex

The Volunteer Centre is a partnership of local organisations and a one-stop-shop promoting, supporting and developing volunteering across the county. The range of volunteering opportunities is huge. Whatever interests and skills you have, there is sure to be something to suit you. What’s on offer at the Volunteer Centre East Sussex

Volunteering at your local library

Volunteers are a valued and central part of our libraries. There are lots of interesting library services you can help out at. Rhyme Time, IT for You, Family History and Code Club are just a few. And our libraries are currently looking for volunteers to help run this year’s Summer Reading Challenge for young people. Find out how you can volunteer in our libraries

Join the People Bank and have your say

Could you help improve and develop council services? If you have experience of getting support from Adult Social Care, or care for someone who has, you can join our People Bank and add your voice to the mix of people helping to shape our services. You can get involved as much or as little as you want to, from filling in surveys, giving feedback on campaigns, taking part in discussion groups, or sitting on project panels. Find out more about the People Bank

Be a good neighbour

Are you interested in being more involved in your local community? Good Neighbour Schemes across East Sussex are looking for volunteers. They offer an opportunity for you to give practical support to people in your community who need a helping hand.

Volunteers help with some of the small things that can make all the difference, such as lifts to the shops, small household jobs, popping in for a chat or walking the dog. And anything else that one neighbour might do for another. Search for Good Neighbour Schemes in your area.

Volunteer through East Sussex County Council

There are a number of ways we can help you get involved with volunteering. This might be working in the countryside, or helping with community transport schemes. Ways you can volunteer with us.

And watch this space. We have partnered up with Bronze Labs, Rother Voluntary Action (RVA), Hastings Voluntary Action (HVA) and Wealden, Eastbourne and Lewes Voluntary Action (3VA) to introduce a new project to make it easier for people looking for volunteering opportunities, and to help organisations find volunteers.

The Tribe Project will promote their volunteering opportunities with residents through an app. Many organisations have already listed their jobs and it will be a useful one-stop-shop for people looking for volunteering opportunities or for volunteers.


There are seven Trussell Trust Foodbanks in East Sussex all of which rely on volunteers and local community support. These foodbanks support individuals and families in crisis with emergency food. Each foodbank is different but they all have volunteers in various different roles. In many the food donations need collecting, sorting, and organising in foodboxes which provide three meals for three days for each family member. These are either collected or delivered. Other roles involve admin, working with agencies that refer people for help, or direct contact with clients. Find out more about the Trussell Trust and your local foodbank

Neighbourhood Watch for your area

People join Neighbourhood Watch for many different reasons, whether it is to improve safety around their home or to become part of a group and meet new people. In East Sussex, every Neighbourhood Watch member is a volunteer – they have no staff and are a not-for-profit organisation. Anybody can join, regardless of their background, and membership is free. Find out the number of ways you can get involved

Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

SPFT’s Volunteer Service recruits, trains and provides ongoing support to volunteers in a wide range of projects. Volunteers are welcomed from all areas of our diverse community, who feel they have something to offer to help us enhance the service we provide to our service users. Find out how you can volunteer for SPFT

Healthwatch East Sussex

Volunteering with Healthwatch East Sussex is flexible and designed to fit around your life. When you volunteer with Healthwatch you have the chance to make a difference to your local community. Use your existing skills, knowledge and networks to help people be heard in your community; meet new people; and enhance your skills and knowledge. Find out more about volunteering for Healthwatch East Sussex.