The Healthwatch Listening Tour is coming to Rye

Healthwatch East Sussex, the local independent watchdog for health and social care services, is bringing their 2023 Listening Tour to Rye and surrounding villages from 10 to 24 September.

Healthwatch will be talking to as many people across the area as possible about their views and experiences of health and social care services. They would like to hear about people’s experiences of services like GPs, mental health services, outpatients, hospital stays, dentists, pharmacies, occupational therapists, district nurses, care in your home, residential care homes and any other services you have used. 

There’s a broad range of ways to take part, including:

  • Completing the survey
  • Heading along to a pop up stand – find where they’ll be on the Healthwatch East Sussex website
  • Joining a focus group
  • Joining in the conversation on social media – Facebook: healthwatchessusex, X: @healthwatchES, Instagram: healthwatcheastsussex

To keep up to date with the events and find out how you can get involved please visit the Healthwatch East Sussex website.

After the Listening Tour, Healthwatch will: 

  • Share what they hear with health and care commissioners and the local authority 
  • Make recommendations to local service providers to support positive change
  • Champion the view and experiences of local people 
  • Hold decision makers to account 

For more information on the Listening Tour or any of its activities, contact or call 0333 101 4007.