Have your say on pharmacy services in East Sussex

How do you use your pharmacy? How often do you go? Is it easy to access?

If you’ve used a pharmacy in the past 12 months, we’d like to hear about your experience in a short survey: have your say on pharmacy services in East Sussex.

Results from the survey will inform a new Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA), which is used to plan pharmacy services across the county for the next three years.

The survey will give us a better idea of where services need improving and where people find them hard to access.

The PNA is published every three years by the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) – a partnership of East Sussex County Council and organisations from across Sussex.

The NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board will use the PNA to decide if new pharmacies need to be created in areas where accessing current services is difficult.

You can ask for a printed copy of the survey by calling 07701 395075 or emailing communitysurvey@eastsussex.gov.uk. You can also pick up a copy in your local library.