Career support boosted by launch of East Sussex hub

A SCHEME to improve careers guidance and support for secondary school students across East Sussex has been officially launched.

The East Sussex Careers Hub will link all secondary schools, special schools and colleges with employers, support organisations and higher and further education providers.

At the launch, education and careers leaders joined local employers and councillors to discuss the plan for the hub, one of only 20 set up across the county as part of the Government’s Careers Strategy.

With £200,000 of external funding secured for the next two years from central Government, the project will strengthen links between employers and education providers and help prepare young people for the world of work.

Cllr Bob Standley, East Sussex County Council’s lead member for education and ISEND, said: “The East Sussex Career Hub will ensure the highest level of advice and support that will help young people embark on a career path that is right for them.

“The hub will allow the expansion of projects and initiatives which will improve students’ access to employers and promote work readiness.”

Cllr Rupert Simmons, the authority’s lead member for economy, added: “Not only will the Careers Hub provide an advantage for students as they prepare for the world of work, but it will be of huge benefit to employers who will be able to work with education providers to shape training and careers support to ensure a future, local workforce which has relevant skills and training.”

The East Sussex hub, which will have access to support and funding, will work through existing Enterprise Coordinators and Enterprise Advisers – volunteers from local businesses who are matched with individual schools, to help schools and colleges identify gaps in their provision, and provide training and support to improve their careers provision.

In East Sussex, projects which help young people make the right career choices and become work ready will be expanded to provide greater opportunities. This includes;

• Industry Champions – a network of more than 80 champions from local businesses who have committed to supporting careers and enterprise activities in schools and colleges by taking part in careers fairs, giving talks, running workshops, providing work experience and mentoring
• Open Doors – an initiative encouraging businesses to open their doors to allow students to visit and learn more about the world of work
• Apprenticeship roadshows – events giving young people and their parents and carers a chance to talk to prospective employers and apprenticeship training providers.
• Supporting young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities to access Supported Internships and Apprenticeships.

Businesses interested in working with East Sussex schools to improve careers and work readiness skills, promote apprenticeships, open their doors to groups of students or get involved with activities that promote their sector to young people, can contact
