Yearly Archives: 2020

East Sussex pioneers lockdown laptops scheme

More than 1,000 laptops arrived in East Sussex – one of the first areas in the UK to benefit from a DfE schemeVULNERABLE and disadvantaged young people in East Sussex have been given a boost to their learning with the arrival of a shipment of over 1,000 free laptops.

East Sussex County Council was the first authority in the country to place an order under a Department for Education (DfE) scheme aimed at ensuring pupils can continue learning at home during the coronavirus lockdown. Continue reading

Lockdown roadworks keep county highways safe

Road improvements in Croft Road, CrowboroughHIGHWAYS crews in East Sussex have been pulling out all the stops to keep the county’s roads in tip-top condition during the coronavirus lockdown.

Taking advantage of lower than normal traffic levels, East Sussex Highways workers have worked flat out to fill more than 6,000 potholes since lockdown was declared on March 23 2020. Continue reading