Author Archives: karenb

Bespoke initiative supports healthier workplaces

A BESPOKE project helping businesses across East Sussex develop a healthier and happier workforce is celebrating its early successes.

The East Sussex County Council’s Wellbeing at Work Programme works with employers to share resources and deliver training, as well as providing an accreditation scheme, to help boost the health and wellbeing of employees. Continue reading

Awareness week helps highlight scams

SCAMS targeting vulnerable residents across East Sussex will be highlighted in a series of events as part of a national awareness campaign.

This year’s Scams Awareness Fortnight, which runs from June 13 to 24, focusses on cons that take advantage of those already facing financial pressure as a result of the cost-of-living crisis. Continue reading

Library move cancelled due to sale of centre

LibraryPEACEHAVEN library is to remain in its current location following the recent sale of the Meridian Shopping Centre to Morrisons.

In response to the previous plans to redevelop the site by the Co-op, and to ensure services could continue uninterrupted, East Sussex County Council’s library service identified the Joff Centre as a temporary alternative location. Continue reading