Author Archives: saffronp

Day service celebrates 50 years

group of people in front of a balloon archA SPECIAL celebration event has been held to mark Beeching Park’s historic Golden Jubilee.

This year the service is celebrating 50 years of providing day services for people with learning disabilities.

Over the last half century Beeching Park, which is the home of Hastings and Rother Day Service, has seen two monarchs, 12 Prime Ministers and delivered over 12,000 days of service.

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Trading Standards storm damage warning

escc logoWITH the risk of seasonal storms causing structural damage to properties, East Sussex Trading Standards are warning residents to be aware of rogue traders.

Wet and windy weather can see residents needing to make urgent repairs to their properties, which may lead to homeowners receiving cold-calls from bogus traders with offers to repair roofs, clear gutters and remove fallen trees.

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