Category Archives: Children’s Services

Scheme highlights potential dangers for children

YOUNGSTERS across East Sussex are ‘Staying Safe with Sam’ after receiving free picture books highlighting potential dangers in the home.

East Sussex County Council is one of only two authorities in the country to have received the resources from the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) as part of an initiative for Child Safety Week which runs from Monday, June 7 to Sunday, June 13.

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East Sussex residents encouraged to support local children’s futures through fostering

RESIDENTS across the county are being urged to consider becoming foster carers during Foster Care Fortnight.

During the annual campaign, which this year runs from May 10 to 23, the county council is highlighting the need to find more people who can provide local children and young people with a home at a time of need.

East Sussex foster carers have given almost three thousand years of care to children, but with more children for waiting for placements the council is using Foster Care Fortnight to encourage more people to make a difference to children’s lives by becoming foster carers or supported lodgings providers.

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East Sussex libraries reopen after lockdown

LIBRARIES across the county welcomed back visitors this month as they reopened their doors following the latest easing of lockdown restrictions.

Residents can once again browse the shelves and select books as well as return and reserve items. Computers are available to pre-book, and study space and Job Pods for online job interviews are available at selected libraries.

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East Sussex libraries support All Digital Week

RESIDENTS are being encouraged to boost their digital skills this month as libraries across the county support All Digital Week, which runs from Monday, March 22 to Sunday, March 28.

All Digital Week is the annual digital inclusion and empowerment campaign that aims to help people develop their digital knowledge and be inspired by what technology can do for them.

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