Category Archives: Children’s Services

Covid Winter Grant Scheme offers help to vulnerable families

HOUSEHOLDS across the county who are struggling to make ends meet during the pandemic will get help this winter from East Sussex County Council thanks to financial support worth more than £1.5million.

The council is receiving the funding through the Government’s Covid Winter Grant Scheme which aims to support those most in need with the cost of food, energy and water bills, and other associated costs.

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Virtual careers fair to showcase options for students

An innovative Sussex-wide virtual careers event will give Year 11 students an opportunity to learn about future study and career choices.

‘What Next Sussex?’, an online event showcasing routes and pathways after Year 11, will take place on Wednesday, November 4, and give students the chance to meet a range of specialists within the worlds of education and work.

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Awareness week highlights need for loving homes

THE NEED to find families for children who wait the longest for a loving home is being highlighted during National Adoption Week.

Adoption South East hopes the awareness-raising event will encourage people to consider adopting sibling groups, older children, those with complex health needs and children from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds. Continue reading