Category Archives: Children’s Services

Cabinet to make decision on future of primary schools

County Hall webRODMELL CE Primary School will be given time to explore possible partnerships and avoid closure, if council leaders back recommendations.

Members of East Sussex County Council’s Cabinet will meet on Tuesday, July 19 to discuss the future of Rodmell CE Primary School and Pells CE Primary School in Lewes following a six week consultation into proposed closures. Continue reading

New integrated service brings health visiting and children’s centres together

Celia Lamden, head of health visiting and children’s centres (front row fourth from left) with the team from HailshamFAMILIES will receive the right support at the right time thanks to the launch of a new integrated service which brings health visiting and children’s centres together.

East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and East Sussex County Council have launched the service to ensure they can offer more effective support regardless of which organisation is delivering services. Continue reading