Category Archives: Cycling

Views sought on walking and cycling networks

THE PUBLIC are being invited to give their views on a plan to make active travel more convenient for every day journeys. A consultation launches on Friday, October 30 on the East Sussex Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan.

The delivery of the plan, which relies on East Sussex County Council (ESCC) and their partners securing external funding, sets out an ambitious network of proposed cycling and walking routes and measures integrated with existing infrastructure. At this stage it does not include detailed proposals.

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Families urged to walk, cycle or scooter to school

Parking restrictions / zig zag lines outside schoolsAS CHILDREN and young people head back to school in September families are being encouraged to travel by foot, bike or scooter.

With roads expected to get a lot busier next month, parents and carers are being asked to play their part in cutting congestion and reducing carbon emissions and boosting children’s health. Continue reading

New routes to open up for cyclists and walkers

MORE than £350,000 could be spent in East Sussex on temporary schemes for cyclists and walkers.

Work on seven schemes, which include new cycle routes, pavement widening and temporary road closures, will continue after approval from East Sussex County Council’s lead member for transport and environment at today’s meeting (Monday). Continue reading

Cycling and walking schemes submitted to Government

Cllr Claire DowlingSCHEMES to enable more cycling and walking and provide safe space for social distancing as Covid-19 restrictions continue to ease have been submitted to Government.

East Sussex County Council has been allocated £479,000 from the first round of the Government’s Emergency Active Travel Fund. A second round of funding is expected to be confirmed at a later date. Continue reading