Category Archives: General

Funding for services protected in latest budget plans

escc logoFUNDING for vital services would once again be protected under the latest proposals for East Sussex County Council’s 2023/24 budget.

Papers released ahead of a Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, January 24 show how the authority could spend £500 million  on services including schools, roads, libraries and support for the most vulnerable residents, with no new cuts to spending.

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Fraudster must pay back profits or face jail

escc logoAN EASTBOURNE man who was caught with thousands of counterfeit car accessories has been ordered to pay back more than £59,000 or face prison time.

Mark Tykva, 37, of Wannock Lane, Eastbourne was sentenced in January 2022 to 12 months’ custody suspended for two years, with a requirement to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work, after being found guilty of eight counts of breaching the Trade Marks Act.

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