Category Archives: Governance Services

Call for greater powers for south east

Cllr Keith GlazierEAST Sussex, West Sussex  and Surrey county councils will join forces to lead the call for greater powers and freedoms to be devolved to the south east.

All three council leaders have signed a letter that has been sent this week to Greg Clark – secretary of state for communities and local Government – in which they call for a meeting to discuss how to progress plans. Continue reading

How East Sussex youngsters helped WW1 wounded

WW1 website - Soldiers and boys play football at Chailey Heritage Craft SchoolTHE heart-warming story of how children and young adults with disabilities from East Sussex helped wounded soldiers is the latest addition to a First World War website.

Servicemen who had lost limbs in the conflict were sent to Chailey Heritage Craft School, set up in 1903 to provide a home and education for children with disabilities, to learn from the youngsters how to overcome their injuries. Continue reading