Category Archives: Public Health

Finding Dory inspires East Sussex children to keep moving

Change4Life dory webACTIVITIES inspired by Disney·Pixar’s latest animated blockbuster will keep children across East Sussex moving during the summer holidays.

2016 marks the third year that Change4Life and Disney have come together to inspire children to move more, with fun 10 minute bursts of activity – Shake Ups – inspired by some of Disney’s most recognisable and popular characters. Continue reading

New integrated service brings health visiting and children’s centres together

Celia Lamden, head of health visiting and children’s centres (front row fourth from left) with the team from HailshamFAMILIES will receive the right support at the right time thanks to the launch of a new integrated service which brings health visiting and children’s centres together.

East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and East Sussex County Council have launched the service to ensure they can offer more effective support regardless of which organisation is delivering services. Continue reading