Category Archives: Schools and colleges

Decision on rural primary schools due before Christmas

Parking restrictions / zig zag lines outside schoolsA DECISION on the future of two rural primary schools will be made by a senior councillor before Christmas.

Recommendations for Fletching CE Primary School and Broad Oak Community Primary School will be considered by Cllr Bob Standley, East Sussex County Council’s lead member for education, at a meeting on Monday, December 23. Continue reading

Caps off to apprentice graduates at countywide event

THE COMMITMENT and effort of more than 50 apprentices was celebrated at an East Sussex graduation ceremony – the first of its kind in the county.

The event, organised by the Sussex Council of Training Providers, marked the importance of apprenticeships to the local economy and the contributions of apprentices, local businesses and educators. Continue reading

‘Be a pushy parent’, says new school attendance campaign

School attendance campaign - Be a pushy parentPARENTS in East Sussex are being urged to be ‘pushy’ and ensure their child gets to school, as a new campaign launches aimed at driving up attendance rates.

As schools across the county prepare to reopen tomorrow (Thursday, September 5 2019) after the summer holidays, East Sussex County Council has launched its ‘Be a pushy parent’ campaign. Continue reading

East Sussex celebrates rise in GCSE achievement

East Sussex students were celebrating GCSE success today with improved results across the county.

Average grades were up on 2018 across the full range of headline measures. And there was a particularly strong performance in English and Maths where the proportion of students getting higher grades (9-4) rose from 62 per cent last year to 64 per cent this year. Continue reading