Category Archives: Trading Standards

Fraudster must pay back profits or face jail

escc logoAN EASTBOURNE man who was caught with thousands of counterfeit car accessories has been ordered to pay back more than £59,000 or face prison time.

Mark Tykva, 37, of Wannock Lane, Eastbourne was sentenced in January 2022 to 12 months’ custody suspended for two years, with a requirement to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work, after being found guilty of eight counts of breaching the Trade Marks Act.

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Shopworker jailed for illegal tobacco stash

hand rolling tobacco packetsA SHOPWORKER in Eastbourne has been jailed for eight months following the discovery of illegal hand rolling tobacco and cigarettes at retail premises in the town.

Sarbast Hassan, who now lives at Essex Street, Hull, was sentenced at Hove Crown Court on Tuesday, July 12 after pleading guilty at Hastings Magistrates Court in March to the possession of counterfeit cigarettes for sale and possessing non UK duty paid hand rolling tobacco and cigarettes.

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Awareness week helps highlight scams

SCAMS targeting vulnerable residents across East Sussex will be highlighted in a series of events as part of a national awareness campaign.

This year’s Scams Awareness Fortnight, which runs from June 13 to 24, focusses on cons that take advantage of those already facing financial pressure as a result of the cost-of-living crisis. Continue reading