Category Archives: Transport and Environment

Have your say on waste and minerals plan changes

VIEWS are being sought on proposed changes to the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan.

The changes follow a review aimed at making sure planning policies for waste and minerals in the county remain up-to-date and in line with national policy. Waste and mineral plans must be reviewed by law every five years. Continue reading

Residents urged to think twice before travelling to waste sites

Cllr Claire DowlingTHOUSANDS of visitors have had to be turned away from the county’s busy waste sites since they reopened on May 18, leading to calls for residents to consider if their visit is necessary.

Following a change in Government guidance, East Sussex County Council reopened its 10 Household Waste Recycling Sites, but urged people to only visit if they had potentially dangerous waste that couldn’t be stored or be disposed of in their kerbside collection. Continue reading