Category Archives: Transport and Environment

Alfriston traffic scheme could move to next stage

Alfriston April 2016-8425A PLAN to tackle traffic problems in an East Sussex village could take a step closer to coming to fruition – if a recommendation by council officers is approved.

Earlier this year, East Sussex County Council carried out a public consultation on proposals to install traffic lights and introduce a 20mph speed limit in Alfriston High Street. Continue reading

Turn sleuth and seek out ‘unusual suspects’ for recycling

Cllr Carl MaynardPEOPLE in East Sussex are being urged to hunt out the ‘unusual suspects’ lurking in their home – and recycle more of their waste.

To mark national Recycle Week, which runs from September 12 to 18 2016, residents are being urged to become ‘household detectives’ and look out for items they may not routinely recycle. Continue reading